Tired of being alone?
Tired of being disappointed by bad dates & relationships that don’t work?
Want to find a great love, your ideal partner?
After experiencing an extremely tough breakup, Behavioral Scientist, Laura Heft, Ph.D. (author of ReSingled: Survive and then Thrive) decided to apply what she knew about the science of human behavior to change the way she handled romantic relationships, and found that it works!!
She developed a program backed by science and designed to help you use it to get the relationship you want, FASTER.
You may not know it, but you likely have some "relationship baggage" getting in your way. Almost everyone does, and it’s not easy to see.
This practical program can help you leverage science to find it and get it out of the way:
Work through exercises that prepare you to find the best partner
Identify the beliefs that sabotage you and rework them
Find out how your emotions impact your "luck" with dating
Understand how your perspective and beliefs influence your dating outcomes
Done with disappointing dates
Open-minded about applying science
Ready and committed to thinking differently and taking action to find a great love FAST!
The program is on-line, and includes 4 sessions (17-35 min. each) you can watch at your own pace. Each session includes one or more exercises designed to help you progress toward the partner you deserve.
Don’t register unless you are:

Choose to Thrive… Not Just Survive